Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Andrei Lupu Interview on #Gutenberg - Im excited that the WordPress users will finally get a creative UI

This past month, we attended our local WordCamp,  WordCamp Bucharest. At the event, we had a chance to interview several interesting WordPress folks and get their unique perspectives on WordPress. One of these great (and funny) people was our former colleague, Andrei Lupu (aka The Wolf), who had an interesting presentation about the upcoming Gutenberg editor.Before we get to Gutenberg, have you had a chance to read our latest interview with Sami Keijonen, a member of the WordPress Accessibility team? You can check out Sami, and all our other interviews, at our Pirate Interviews page.Now, back to Andrei!  Ã°Å¸â„¢â€šAndrei Lupu is a proud Gutenberg-er. To be honest, sailing against the current of Gutenberg critics is not easy, but Andrei is happily preaching his excitement for the page builder every chance he gets.His philosophy is simple: people need to be more open to the new and stop thinking about the good old days all the time. Otherwise, we would still be using floppy disks, wouldnt we?Andrei used to be a part of the ThemeIsle family, where he was crafting our themes and plugins from the back-end. Now, hes still Gutenberg-ing and programming, but on his own. You can find him sharing dev insights on  his personal blog and contributing to WordPress in many different ways.This interview is all about Gutenberg, but we wont get too technical! Our talk is more about learning to embrace innovation and adapt to a new perspective.To learn more about Andreis thoughts on Gutenberg, you can read the text version below or watch the video to the right (or both!). Then, let us know your thoughts in the comments.Delayed thread of our interview with @euthelup at #WCBuc over the weekend. Despite all the problems with #Gutenberg Andrei has some exciting stuff to share.Question 1: Did you grown an impressive beard to be more like Gutenberg? ThemeIsle (@ThemeIsle) October 30, 2018 You said Gutenberg is great for writers, so why should devs get excited?Andrei Lupu:Well, Gutenberg is pretty much of a wonder from a technological point of view. There are many modern tools used in there, which is very interesting. So Im not sure its all about the content, its also about the technical part. This is what I love about it.What are you most excited about?Andrei Lupu:Im excited that the WordPress users will be finally served with a creative user interface. An easy to use one. Until now, we kind of had our struggle with using the old editor but, as I can see, many people come and say Hey, I love Gutenberg, its very easy to use, I think that it will rock.Which Gutenberg myth is most untrue?Andrei Lupu:I dont know, I guess the one that you cannot create meta boxes the old meta boxes that developers are all worried about. But thats kind of false because the way you could create your own meta boxes as of today, now you can create your own sidebar API or blocks or you name it. You just have to learn the process. But its a false myth tha t Oh, its impossible to do that now. No, its possible, you just have to do it.What do we need to have a great Gutenberg theme?Andrei Lupu:I think that, right now, we somehow need a new perspective, we need a new way of creating themes with this new editor. Because we are bringing a ton of old things into the discussion. And, to be honest, I recently changed the theme on my website. I was searching a lot and couldnt find a great theme, but Im pretty happy with my choice at this moment.What are the great things about Gutenberg?Andrei Lupu:This update will bring a better user experience for authors, not necessarily for developers. But for developers, because I am one, it brings some sort of new rules, new ground for the JavaScript environment. Because until now we had standardization only in the server side, only PHP developers had this kind of rules. But now we are getting rules in the JavaScript part, in the browser, where there was a jungle before: everyone created their own interfa ce, their own style.Now, Gutenberg comes and says Hey, this is our style from now on. Here you put your sidebar, here you put your icons, your buttons, your shortcodes. There are boundaries that come with Gutenberg, which I think is a good thing.Any sage-like wisdom for those of us who are worried about the update?Andrei Lupu:It comes with a deadline. People are scared that if they cant do it until the end of November, something bad will happen. There are alternatives, its a learning process. You can learn Gutenberg the same way you learned PHP, creating shortcodes or meta boxes.Should people start using Gutenberg now? Why?Andrei Lupu:Yes the sooner, the better. At least only in some safe environment or local environment. And just test it, its not going to bite or so. Okay, I know that you already have articles maybe thousands of articles written in the old fashion and its hard to add Gutenberg there. Just replicate that environment, those websites somewhere safe, try it, and Im pretty sure that it will be a pleasant experience.What happens if you install Gutenberg over your old content? Will this change affect it?  Andrei Lupu:It depends on what kind of setup you have on your website. Because if you have WordPress as it is, it will probably automatically convert it and it will be safe to use Gutenberg. But the problem comes when people are using editing plugins or old shortcodes or something like that. Their plugins somehow interfere with the content. There is a problem because the person who created the plugin must also come now and create some sort of a transformation process. Without that developer doing so, it will break. But the API, the documentation, the docs are there anyone can do it. Its free. I mean, its supposed to be an easy process in a way but, again, its hard. I dont know why.Will Gutenberg get you to start blogging again?Andrei Lupu:Yes, I didnt publish an article for a year. Actually right now Im publishing my WordCamp Bucharest present ation. But I really hope that, at some point, Ill come back to writing one article per month or something like that. I wish to do that. Thinking that Gutenberg will bring an easy process for me to create reusable content parts, some code snippets that Id like to use or share an example of if Im going to create a block in Gutenberg for that, probably Im going to publish more.Did you grow an impressive beard to be more like Gutenberg?Andrei Lupu:Oh, my beard! No, I actually grew my beard to look more like my name, which is Andrew The Wolf (Andrei Lupu means Andrew The Wolf in Romanian). So lets keep the appearances with the name. Andrei Lupu (@euthelup) #interviewed at ThemeIsle | #Gutenberg #WordPress Click To Tweet That sums up our Andrei Lupu interview. If you have any questions for him, please leave them in the comments section.Also, if you have any suggestions for who we should talk to next, feel free to give us some names, as well!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your Wor dPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Questions and Answers Essays

Questions and Answers Essays Questions and Answers Essay Questions and Answers Essay Tension rose between groups with new and old values primarily due to new technological, social, and political developments such as: development Of assembly line and higher wages gave workers more leisure mime and funding for luxuries previously unattainable for working clansmen; increase of immigrants and African-Americans in the US urban and rural areas led to a scare and an increase in natives in the nation which increased hate crimes such as rise in popularity of the ASK who worked to terrorize African Americans and implemented new anti-elimination acts such as Chinese Exclusion and Gentlemans Agreement both discriminating against immigrants; and introduction of communism internationally had people very cared and thus the Red Scare erupted in the US, to the point where A Mitchell Palmer worked to rid the IIS of communist groups, leading to conviction of over 6000 potential communist influences. Historians have argued that Progressive reform lost momentum in the 1 sass. Evaluate the statement. Progressive reforms showed to die down in the ass following World War l; this is because many issues such as labor and suffrage came to become less and less of a problem. Labor unions were more muted as they were sufficed with their conditions: better working times and wages allowed the working class to rise to middle class and afford certain luxuries they couldnt previously. Suffragists were given the 1 9th amendment, which gave women the right to vote; not only that but in many other parts of the US women had already been given progressively higher authority such as right to run for office. How did advertising, entertainment, and mass production help shape American national culture in the 1 sass? Advertising helped shape IIS culture by contributing to the development of US consumerism, it made it easier to reach the average American with sponsorship from athletes and celebrities at the time, a practice still heavily used in LIST culture today. It became easier to persuade Americans with benefits of products leading to overall higher number of purchases. Entertainment contributed to US cultural development in that the development Of radio and television paved way for new forms of entertainment such as professional sports and radio plays/ shows; introduction of these technological developments in the ass helped lid a more defined pop-culture as music, comedy, drama, sports, and even politics became more accessible to all Americans, which Americans continue to build on to this day. Mass production helped build the American consumerism well known to this day, the development of the assembly line contributed to the ability to produce products with greater ease and speed, leading to flourishing of multiple large industries; mass production helped suffice consumer demand, and not to mention increase it, also contributing to the prevalence of advertising as well.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Freedom and Equaity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Freedom and Equaity - Essay Example That means everyone must have the right to live their life employing their capital and labor as per their liking. Locke is considered one of the proponents of classical liberalism. In the Second Treatise of Civil Government, Locke argues that ruler derives power from the people. All individuals have a birth right to possess property and if government or ruler deprives them from this natural right, the people have all right to force ruler to leave. Locke also speaks about equality for everyone. He states liberty does not mean that anyone is given liberty of destroying oneself or for that matter anyone else's property, health, life or freedom. No one can encroach on other's rights or inflict destruction. Simply the law of nature must prevail that speaks about peace and preservation for fellow citizens. Locke lends a special emphasis on having a freedom to possess earned property. Whatever has been acquired through one's labor and hard work will, in all case, belong to that person and n o one else will have right on that possession. Locke is categorical in stating that human being is born with a perfect freedom and full rights of enjoyment with what has been provided by nature. And to this extent everyone is equal. Thus, for Locke, freedom is compatible with equality as far as it is derived from the nature and its gifts to mankind – no discrimination of any kind can be allowed. ... Social contract deals with people's freedom and rights albeit in a political sense. Everyone is free in this social contract and laws that are essentially to safeguard and regulate each individual. He also asserts that freedom of each person is the chief element to be preserved; however, they still need to follow social contract for their own survival. As per Rousseau, equality and freedom are two political ends and they are correlated such that the equality is a necessary condition to restore freedom. With the advent of industrial revolution in Europe, a new kind of thought process emerged, especially from Marx and Angles as they believed that a great dividing line existed between haves and have-nots. According to them, there is no true equality among the people and the root cause behind inequality is the capitalist nature of the society. According to them, a true freedom is acquired when everyone is free from oppression and exploitation by any section of the society. They strongly believe that a large section of the labor class in the society does not enjoy true freedom or equality. That was the time when Europe had already ushered into a great industrial revolution in the nineteenth century and large scale labor transition to the industries took place. For them, economic equality is of a great importance for the society and since that due to its absence labor class does not enjoy the true freedom. In other sense, they emphasize that freedom and equality are not compatible and individual freedom to generate wealth must be taken away to restore equality among the people. In their Manifesto, they depict, "Masses of laborers, crowded into the factor, are organized like soldiers. Not only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and the bourgeois state,